Personal Data Protection

Personal Data Protection

At Asociación Multicultural y educativa GumiLu, (“GUMILU”), we are committed to the security and protection of the personal data we process according to General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 and the Spanish Organic Law 03/2018 on Protection of Personal Data.

The controller in charge of processing your personal data:

GUMILU with registered office at Calle Bilbao, 38, 46009 Valencia, España, assigned Tax Identification Number (NIF) G72498991; with e-mail address; will collect and process your personal data.

The purpose of processing:

GUMILU will collect and process your personal data to provide reliable data about the number of members of the association in their yearly report, to create a private user for the website and to contact members with info about GumiLu and related fields (with this option offering an unsubscription). Under no circumstances will this processing involve making automated decisions based on this data.

The legal basis for processing:

Your data will be processed pursuant to your consent, to be included in GUMILU’s list of members, managed by the Association’s President and Secretary. You have the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Communication of personal data:

Third parties will only have access to the personal data if GUMILU is legally required by law.

Retention of personal data:

Any personal data that is provided through the present form will be processed during your term as a member of GUMILU Association. Were the Association or your membership be terminated, the data will be duly blocked so long as legal liabilities may derive for the parties. It is your responsibility to provide reliable data to GUMILU and keep this information updated.

How interested parties may exercise their rights:

Pursuant to the applicable legislation, GUMILU is committed to respecting the confidentiality of its users’ personal data and to ensuring that interested parties may exercise, at any time and in the terms set forth by the legislation in force, their rights to access, rectify or delete their data, and to request limitations on or oppose the processing of their personal data, or to request the portability of their data, by sending a written request clearly indicating the right they would like to exercise, and sending it to the address specified above or by e-mail to the address You may also file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.


You may contact GUMILU at the following address: